"I want Fame and Fortune" by David Nelson
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"I want Fame and Fortune" by David Nelson

Posted: 2007-05-07 19:03:34

“I want Fame and Fortune”        4-27-07

Imagine if the Lord were to appear to you and say, “I’m going to bless you, many will know who you are and your spiritual gifts will be recognized and appreciated and be in demand by many. You will be famous and your name will be known and many will seek to be blessed through the gifts I give you. Also, money will flow into your life so that getting the things done you need to do will never be a financial worry or burden. You will not need to be a tent maker like Paul or ask for money like some today, only do my work and all the money you need will come, more than enough.”

Is there any one reading this who would say to the Lord, “No, please, I don’t want to be recognized or admired by many people. No, please, don’t give me more money, I’m not sure what to spend it on or what to do with it.” Maybe we would say to the Lord, “Please guard me lest too much popularity or too much money corrupt me, or make me proud, or cause me to become greedy, selfish or spoiled!?”

The Bible says that our hearts are deceitful and can trick us concerning the purity of our motives. Who really can know his own heart, but the Lord alone does. Our flesh, emotions and mind can create a very pleasing script for our lives that may reflect our deepest longings and desires. Everyone “loves” to be appreciated, recognized, and honored for who they are and what they do. At least our emotions, minds and even our hearts think that we would be pleased with having some fame with our peers and financial freedom (to be independently wealthy, able to do anything we please with no worries of overspending). But I think some people in the world do have this kind of fame and fortune and still they find it is not what they are looking for to give their lives the meaning they long for.

The life of Enoch in the Bible may hold a key to the life we are really looking for. Is fame and fortune the one thing that will really give our life meaning and happiness? Yes, let’s try it, you may say. But think for a moment, what does God really want for me? He is Spirit, and He wants to show you His way, His Spirit to your spirit. What did Enoch do? All we know is he walked with God.(Gen. 5:22) We don’t know what he did for the 365 years that he lived but this one thing we are told that he did, he walked with God. Maybe he was rich, certainly he is famous now even though so little was said about him. And he never died, God took him to heaven to be with Him at just the right time. He walked with God on the earth and then he just walked into heaven and now he still walks with God. Is that what we want? Is our chief goal fame and fortune or is it to walk with God? God may give us fame and fortune in our walk with Him but we are to seek 1st His kingdom and His righteousness (and His will for our lives) and all that we need will be added unto us.

Also, the Bible says that this was his epitaph (his testimony), or here is another thing that we can say about Enoch; he pleased God.(Heb. 11:5) Is this not our ultimate goal, is this not the one thing we should want more than recognition, ease, or to accomplish a lot “for Him”? One thing Lord, whether it is what my emotions, mind or even my heart cries out for, perhaps selfishly, let it not be to make many people happy or be without financial burdens, or do so many things that will give me fame with people or even what I think you want me to do for your glory, but let there be one thing that I want in my heart of hearts above all else and that is to walk with God and please God (and like Enoch, if nothing is ever said about what I did or accomplished, except it is said, he walked with God, would that be enough?). Surely we all want to use the gifts and talents he has given us and definitely rewards are promised by God for us in this life and in heaven too. But above all else let it not be that I created monuments for God or that I touched many people’s lives with the spiritual gifts that He gave me but let it be said as the most important thing that he pleased God.

Now, what the Lord tells you to do may touch many people and many may like you, love you and appreciate you. Or what the Lord tells you to do may leave buildings and churches and organizations and fellowships and many saved souls behind you as a legacy but let it always and quintessentially be your highest end and goal, that you could say in your heart of hearts, my greatest desire was to walk with God, to only please Him, and to have it be written after you are gone as it was written of Enoch, he walked with God, and this was his epitaph, he pleased God. My flesh and my wavering heart may want fame and fortune but O Lord, purify what I want or enjoy to be what You want, may I be one that You can walk with and who truly pleases Your heart, with all my lesser longings laid to the side.

At the beginning the Bible says that Adam and Eve perhaps had opportunity to walk with God every day in the garden in the cool of the day. (Gen.3:8) What was involved here? How do we do that again? Believe me, God is ready to show us how.


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