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Prophetic Ministry


Women's Ministry


Monthly get-together for practical, helpful ideas and Christian teaching that will help strengthen women's lives in a positive manner. 

We are women reaching out to others to benefit our community.


Where:  Prophetic Ministry Office, 4300 Ingersoll, Des Moines, IA  50312, 515-270-5046

When:  May 2010, Saturday (05/29/10), 9a-11a with a potluck after the meeting

Please RSVP through E-mail or telephone at 515-270-5046.


Topic of discussion: 

  • A teaching on the book of Esther--a woman whose deeds saved God's people from destruction. 
  • We will also be discussing ideas for projects to do together as a group that will benefit our community for the year of 2010.


See you on Saturday at 9a!  In Christ's love...

Sybil Nelson